Following His example, as visiting teachers we can come to know and love each sister we visit, remembering that love is the foundation of all we do. When we pray for inspiration to know how to serve her and help her strengthen her faith, “the angels cannot be restrained from being [our] associates.”

The Principals says "sending a text or email giving encouragement might be the best thing to do for a sister that month. Making personal connections and listening with an attitude of love is the essence of visiting teaching. Modern technology and time-honored face-to-face visits help us do it anytime, anywhere, and in many ways. That is ministering as Jesus did."

Think about keeping in touch with your mom, sisters or good friend, how often do you pick up the phone and call to just say hi. Or send a quick text with maybe a picture you think they will like. Or stop by just to visit. We do this because we care. And that is what Christ wants us to do, “He did it because of His sincere love.”

We all have busy lives, and some of us live far away from our sisters, and some are very close, but either way we need to show we care, a text and email is fast and easy, we can go a step more and drop something off.

Check out  some of our printables, they are images you can save or print, you can send them in a text to uplift your sister for the day, or drop by one you printed.

Here are some ideas, but check out out PRINTABLES PAGE.... 

Our Deepest fears 4 x 6 sm

Getting to Know You Survey

Here is a great idea from a follower on Facebook, lets get to know our sisters a little bit better! Have them fill out this survey or something like it, then lets follow through on getting to know them better!