Opening Song: We Meet Again As Sisters

Opening Prayer

Talk: Being of One Heart with your Companion

(Referenced “Valued Companions” Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin)

Story: “With Love, From your Visiting Teachers” Liahona August 1988

(For a visual I had a pack of diapers with clothes on top wrapped up with a bow and attached a large note quoting the story)

Song: “Miracles” by Sally Deford

Talk: Being of One Heart with those in your care

Closing Song: Love One Another

Closing Prayer


We purchased pastel carnations and placed them around the room.  At the end of the conference we gave a carnation to each sister.

For each sister we created a packet that included:

New Route Print Out – I started with a piece of cardstock and mounted a pass-along card to it (pass-along cards are $2.00 for 100 cards!!) I then printed the route on velum paper and attached it to the cardstock by punching a hole in the top and tying a ribbon through it.  I placed a business card magnet on the back as well.  The cost per route print out was $0.26 – very affordable!!

Heart Stickers – Each sister received a sheet of 12 heart stickers to place on her calendar to reminder her to do her visiting teaching.  At Staples I was able to locate heart stickers that tore off in sections of 12.  The cost was $0.05 per sister.

Birthday Stickers – Each sister received birthday stickers to place on their calendar to remind them of their sister’s birthdays.

Of One Heart Handout / Brochure – I took highlights from our program and placed them in a tri-fold brochure.

Packet – I placed all of these items into a packet for each sister.  I took ½ sheet of card stock and folded it in ½.  I then used double stick tape to tape the sides.  I punched holes into the top of each corner of the packet then tied bows to each of them to secure the packet.  We wrote the name of each sister on the front of the packet and placed in alphabetical order to east handout.